Saturday, 26 March 2011

Starting at rock bottom

So last week Thursday was the beginning of my travels into the world of exercise and fitness. (Hold on a minute, we are not suppose to say fitness, but rather talk about conditioning.) So to correct that last statement, I began my 'conditioning' last week. Mmmm, not sure how I feel about the concept of conditioning-sounds a bit odd if you ask me. Along our Honours class went to the HKE (Human Kinetics and Ergonomics) department for our base-line fitness tests.

When the idea of a 20 week fitness programme was first proposed I was quite excited and relatively undaunted. As the date for our fitness tests drew ever closer I began to re-think my enthusiasm because I just knew that I was going to have the worst results in the class. This may sound like my over-dramatising of the fitness situation-I can assure you, in this case, its not. During a seminar given by the HKE department two weeks previously we were asked how many of us were involved in a regular exercise routine-I was the only person to not put up my hand. In the spirit of full divulgence about my exercise habits-I have not done much in the way of exercise since I left school about three and a half years ago.

The test did not make me feel any better about myself. I was the worst at everything, and I kept the sheet where my 'unfitness' was recorded close to my chest. I know that it is not suppose to be a competition but rather about personal growth but when you are the only person going red in the face after five push-ups while everyone else is easily on push-up 50 it feels a bit like a competition. In retrospect, the worst part of the whole experience was yet to come.

Oh the agony of the next morning-not only did I struggle to pull myself out of bed but I could not lift my arms. I couldn't tie up my hair and I couldn't lift my bag. The full extent of my 'unconditionedness' was finally, painfully realised.

On the plus side-I only have 19 more weeks to go! 

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